Monday, 25 March 2013

Starting up

This blog is intended to record the activities of the newly-resurrected London Area Group of the 2mm Scale Association.

An inaugural meeting was held at Keen House, at the invitation of Richard Wilson, on Sunday 3rd March 2013. Unfortunately this clashed with a maintenance session on Copenhagen Fields, prior to its appearance at Alexandra Palace later in the month, and free space was a bit limited, so the meeting adjourned upstairs to the Library.

Also present (apart from the author) were Noel Leaver and Richard Brummitt.

Unfortunately nobody took pictures for the blog, so you will have to make do with my verbal description. The main item on display/under discussion was brought by Noel Leaver, a somewhat mangled chassis from one of Damien Johnson's 2mm Locomotive kits, and shortcomings in the design and possible cures were discussed.

For the short-term future, the following plans were agreed:
  • Timetable of one meeting every two months, probably on Sunday afternoons at Keen House.
  • Each meeting to have a pre-defined topic
  • Next meeting to be 19th May, starting at 2 p.m. with the topic "Building Locomotive Chassis"
Richard Wilson has agreed a preferential rate for room hire - £5 per head per meeting. This is limited to the usual £35 room charge,. so if more than 7 members attend, the charge per head comes down.

So an invitation is extended to members in the London area to come along to the next and subsequent meetings. Even if the listed topic doesn't interest you, there will probably be enough topic drift during the meeting to cover other areas that are more relevant.

David Walley


  1. David will definately attend going forward unfortunately i cannon make the 19th May
    Regards Nigel

  2. Look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it Nigel - I know Sunday isn't an ideal day for you.

