Saturday, 24 August 2013

September Meeting

September’s meeting will be held at Keen House on Sunday 15th, formally from 2pm to 5pm, There will be someone to let you in earlier than that to allow for travel timings. This month’s topic will focus on track making- with the emphasis on pointwork. It is proposed that we have a look at the basics of ‘Templot’, and how to create pointwork templates using that software. This would be followed by a practical session on point construction, and turnout operation methods. A copy of the Association book on Trackwork will be available for reference (if you haven't already got your copy!)

The suggested order of the day would be:
1-2pm  Arrivals and general open meeting (bring a packed lunch if it suits)
2pm -3 discussion on Templot
3-3:15  Break for refreshments

3:15pm to close Practical session.
But I guess all times will be  a bit flexible

 It would be a good idea to bring along some basic tools and gauges if you want to join in the practical session. I have to say that I have not tried any of the plastic components for pointwork, and if any attendee who has used these systems would like to bring examples this would be very welcome.
Suggested tools:  Soldering iron flux etc, track gauges, a selection of files, tweezers and other small clips. Sleepers and rail would be handy too!

I look forward to seeing you there.


  1. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS at last i have made sure i will be available and i have the bits to bring along
    (do i need to brink cakes ??)

  2. Glad you will be able to make it. Cakes are not obligatory :-0
